Following the events of Batman (2022), Oz Cobb, aka the Penguin, attempts to take over Gotham’s criminal underworld. From melting makeup to filming in sub-zero temperatures, Colin Farrell and Cristin Milioti discuss how they became… The character during the production of Penguin.
However, in his own series, the character is described as an occasional smoker who prefers cigars. The umbrella falls and the logo changes to the Warner Bros.
logo. „Chaos is not a pit, chaos is a ladder” In the context of Lord Baelish, this is also „The Penguin”; dealt with a broken Gotham, full of corruption and destruction, to be the perfect and very fertile environment in which to build his own authority.
As an extension of what happened in Batman and the disaster that befell the city, we saw the opening scene, which was one of the most incredible disasters that has happened, and the chaos that we see with the appearance of the Penguin is not unlike a hint that the Penguin was placed in the right place at the right time to take advantage of the overwhelming chaos, and of course he is the right man. I do not have much experience in the world of comics or the Penguin character, but I had no problem understanding the events and style of the character.